
Group Discernment

"The joy and wonder of us all attending to God’s Spirit and discerning well together is the testimony that God is working among us. There is something truly magnificent and incredibly tender about any group of people who will let themselves be pliable to that movement of God’s Spirit in community. It is a sign that Christ’s reign has come on earth as it is in heaven.... The good news is that it is never too late to learn to listen to God together! In my experience we sometimes despair because we reserve discernment for those big deal decisions. Or we think we have to change the polity of the entire organization before we can do any good. What seems to work better is to start with the regular and routine things with whomever is willing to be a listening community with you—your family, your spiritual friends or small group. Start where you have the freedom to be authentic with one another and experiment with the principles and practices as a group."

~ Jan Wood
Co-author of Practicing Discernment Together, in a recent online discussion about the book

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