"Oh! Teach us to live well!
Teach us to live wisely and well!
Come back, God....
Surprise us with love at daybreak;
then we'll...dance all the day long. "
then we'll...dance all the day long. "
~Psalm 90:12 (The Message)
We know why you're here. Oh, you may say it's because a friend talked you into it or the brochure looked interesting or you didn't have anything better to do so why not. But those aren't the real reasons.
The real reason you're here is because you heard the music. You heard the music and it made your heart well up. It made your foot tap. It made your soul sing. Maybe you didn't even recognize it as music till now; it was just something that sounded sort of sweet. But yes, you heard the music and you wanted to get closer, hear it better, learn the steps.
Friends, the Spirit is singing a tune to your soul, inviting you to a dance class. This is why you're here. Some way, somehow, the Spirit of God drew you in this direction and offered a free introductory lesson for the dance class of Spiritual Formation.
So here's what you might want to know. The Creator of the universe wants to dance with you. He wants to teach you His moves, lead you through His intricate turns, infuse you with His rhythm, look into your face every moment and see you looking back. And he wants to take His dance with you out to a world that can't carry a tune in a bucket so that they may hear the Spirit music, too. So that they can learn the dance.
Now, we warn you. These lessons may seem simple at first, but dancing isn't as easy as it sounds. It takes time and practice to train your mind and your body and your heart to keep in step. Your ears will have to listen for a beat they may not be used to hearing. You will get frustrated. You will sometimes step on your own feet. Or someone else's. Or God's. All of us will, and we'll help each other back up. But we will also find joy and plain old delight. We will find ourselves humming Spirit songs. We'll start to practice our new moves in the kitchen, at work, standing in line at the store. We'll start to invite others to this dance with God, too.
So be patient with yourself. We'll be patient with each other. Let the dance begin.
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