Advent is the season of anticipation and arrival.
Remember the ancient Israelites, yearning for freedom, awaiting a promised Messiah? Remember the miraculous coming of a Savior ~ A tiny child, born to an ordinary girl, in a barren stall, greeted by angels and livestock.
Do you recognize your own yearning for freedom, awaiting the return of our promised Lord? Anticipate a second arrival and an eternal kingdom ~ A rider on a white horse, like blazing fire, restoring creation, and gathering us in His arms.
But most of all, look for the Christ who came as an infant and who will come again as a King, and see that He is coming right now, right here. Look and listen and feel and know all of the ways Jesus is alive and entering the world today ~ into your heart, through your hands, always already among us.
This year I am more yearning for his coming than ever before, both in the present-tense of living with the living Lord Jesus in a moment-to-moment communication, and in a future coming in fullness.
Thank you for sharing this with us Nicole!
Sara Singleton
The coming of the Christ Child should impact us each year. How will you be changed this advent as you prepare for Immanuel? The message of Advent is that each one of us is called to be a Christ-bearer just as Mary was 2,000 years ago. We bring this message of hope and love to a world desperately in need of a Savior. How will you proclaim the birth of the Messiah to a weary and hurting world?
Linda Boyles
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